Aadhaar Verification API


Aadhaar verification API is a crucial API for every financial entity for Aadhaar card verification. This is the most fundamental identity that is required everywhere.

Name: Send OTP

Type: POST

Request: https://planapi.in/Api/Ekyc/AdharVerification

Parameter Type Position # Description
TokenID string Header Required Enter Genrated TokenId Credentials
ApiUserID string Header Required Enter given USERID Credentials
ApiPassword string Header Required Enter given PASSWORD Credentials
Aadhaarid string Body Required "XXXXXXXXX1234"
ApiMode string Body Optional 0 for Test API/1 for Prodution

Response : 200

"code": 200,
"status": "success",
"response": {
"ref_id": "63d0f0762264c",
"message": "OTP has been sent"

Response : 404

"Errorcode": 404,
"status": "failed",
"responce": {
"ref_id": null,
"message": "Error message"

Aadhaar Verification API


Aadhaar verification API is a crucial API for every financial entity for Aadhaar card verification. This is the most fundamental identity that is required everywhere.

Name: Verify OTP

Type: POST

Request: https://planapi.in/Api/Ekyc/AdharVerificationSubmitOtp

Parameter Type Position # Description
TokenID string Header Required Enter Genrated TokenId Credentials
ApiUserID string Header Required Enter given USERID Credentials
ApiPassword string Header Required Enter given PASSWORD Credentials
Aadhaarid string Body Required "XXXXXXXXX1234"
OTP string Body Required Enter 4 Digit OTP Credentials
ReqId string Body Required Enter Given ReqId Credentials
ApiMode string Body Optional 0 for Test API/1 for Prodution

Response : 200

  "status": "Success",
  "Errorcode": 200,
  "aadhar": "XXXXXXXX0791",
  "response": {
    "care": "dummy care of",
    "name": "Dummy Name",
    "gender": "M",
    "dob": "1601-05-16",
    "share_code": "9999",
    "zip_file": "{{zip file url}}",
    "country": "India",
    "address": {
      "state": "Delhi-state",
      "dist": "Delhi-dist",
      "subdist": "",
      "po": "Pitampura",
      "house": "121",
      "street": "Pitampura",
    "landmark": "Near Pitampura"
  "Image": null

Response : 404

"Errorcode": 404,
"status": "failed",
"aadhar": null,
  "response": {[]
    "landmark": null
  "Image": null

PanCard Verification API


PAN Verification API helps entities in verifying and validating the PAN credentials of an individual. It determines the legitimacy of the customer and prevents fraud.

Name: PAN Verification API

Type: POST

Request: https://planapi.in/Api/Ekyc/PanVerification

Parameter Type Position # Description
TokenID string Header Required Enter Genrated TokenId Credentials
ApiUserID string Header Required Enter given USERID Credentials
ApiPassword string Header Required Enter given PASSWORD Credentials
Panid string Body Required Enter 10 Digit PANCARD Number
ApiMode string Body Optional 0 for Test API/1 for Prodution

Response : 200

  "status": "Success",
  "Errorcode": 200,
  "pan_no": "ssdrf3432w",
  "response": {
    "father_name": "NAME",
    "registered_name": "DUMMY NAME",
  "pan_type": "INDIVIDUAL"

Response : 404

  "status": "failed",
  "Errorcode": 404,
  "pan_no": null,
    "response": {
   "pan_type": "INDIVIDUAL"



This API endpoint retrieves comprehensive details associated with a PAN Card number, including linked Aadhaar information if available. Upon successful authentication and validation, the API responds with detailed information about the PAN card holder, including their full name, address, Aadhaar linkage status, and other pertinent details. It determines the legitimacy of the customer and prevents fraud.


Type: POST

Request: https://planapi.in/api/Ekyc/PanDetails

Parameter Type Position # Description
ApiUserID string Headers Required Enter Genrated Your 4 Digit API Member credentials
ApiPassword string Headers Required Enter Your api password credentials
TokenID string Headers Required Enter Your Generated TokenID
Panid string Body Required Enter Panid
ApiMode string Body Required Enter Your ApiMode ( 1 for live and 0 for Test)

Response : 100

    "Errorcode": 100,
    "status": "Success",
    "msg": "done",
    "data": {
        "client_id": "pan_comprehensive_testlkfuWUhyzKnZuZfO",
        "pan_number": "LCGPS1234D",
        "full_name": abc xyz",
        "full_name_split": [
        "masked_aadhaar": "XXXXXXXX1234",
        "address": {
            "line_1": "",
            "line_2": "",
            "street_name": "",
            "zip": "",
            "city": "",
            "state": "",
            "country": "",
            "full": ""
        "email": null,
        "phone_number": null,
        "gender": "M",
        "dob": "2001-11-23",
        "input_dob": null,
        "aadhaar_linked": true,
        "dob_verified": false,
        "dob_check": false,
        "category": "person",
        "less_info": false

Response : 104

    "Errorcode": 104,
    "status": "Failed",
    "msg": "Invalid PAN",
    "data": {
        "client_id": null,
        "pan_number": null,
        "full_name": null,
        "full_name_split": null,
        "masked_aadhaar": null,
        "address": {
            "line_1": null,
            "line_2": null,
            "street_name": null,
            "zip": null,
            "city": null,
            "state": null,
            "country": null,
            "full": null
        "email": null,
        "phone_number": null,
        "gender": null,
        "dob": null,
        "input_dob": null,
        "aadhaar_linked": false,
        "dob_verified": false,
        "dob_check": false,
        "category": null,
        "less_info": false

GST Verification API


PAN Verification API helps entities in verifying and validating the PAN credentials of an individual. It determines the legitimacy of the customer and prevents fraud.

Name: GST Verification API

Type: POST

Request: https://planapi.in/Api/Ekyc/GSTVerification

Parameter Type Position # Description
TokenID string Header Required Enter Genrated TokenId Credentials
ApiUserID string Header Required Enter given USERID Credentials
ApiPassword string Header Required Enter given PASSWORD Credentials
GstNumber string Body Required Enter 15 Digit GstNumber Number
ApiMode string Body Optional 0 for Test API/1 for Prodution

Response : 200

  "Errorcode": 200,
  "status": "Success",
  "response": {
      "gstin": "27AAXXXXXXXXXXX",
      "legal_name": "XYZ INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED",
      "trade_name": "XYZ INDIA PRIVATE LIMITED",
      "taxpayer_type": "Regular",
      "reg_date": "2017-07-01",
      "state_code": "MHCGXXXX",
      "nature": "Supplier of Services",
      "address": {
          "addr1": "210",
          "addr2": "XXX XXXX",
          "pin": "XXXXXX",
          "state": "XXXXXXXXXX",
          "city": "XXXXXXXXX",
          "district": "XXXXXXXX"
      "jurisdiction": "RANGE-IV",
      "business_type": "Private Limited",
      "last_update": "2021-01-28",
      "status": "Active"

Response : 404

  "Errorcode": 404,
  "status": "failed",
  "responce": {
      "gstin": null,
      "legal_name": null,
      "trade_name": null",
      "taxpayer_type": null,
      "reg_date": null,
      "state_code": null,
      "nature": null,
      "address": {           
      "jurisdiction": null,
      "business_type": null,
      "last_update": null,
      "status": null

GST Verification API


PAN Verification API helps entities in verifying and validating the PAN credentials of an individual. It determines the legitimacy of the customer and prevents fraud.

Name: GST Status API

Type: POST

Request: https://planapi.in/Api/Ekyc/GSTReturnStatus

Parameter Type Position # Description
TokenID string Header Required Enter Genrated TokenId Credentials
ApiUserID string Header Required Enter given USERID Credentials
ApiPassword string Header Required Enter given PASSWORD Credentials
GstNumber string Body Required Enter 15 Digit GstNumber Number
ApiMode string Body Optional 0 for Test API/1 for Prodution

Response : 200

    "Errorcode": 200,
    "status": "Success",
    "response": {
        "GstNumber": null,
        "FinancialYear": null,
        "Data": []

Response : 404

    "Errorcode": 404,
    "status": "Failed",
    "response": {
        "GstNumber": null,
        "FinancialYear": null,
        "Data": []

Registration Certificate API


RC Verification API aids in creating a connection between the vehicle and its owner, reducing the risk of fraud.

Name: Registration Certificate API

Type: POST

Request: https://planapi.in/Api/Ekyc/RC_Verification

Parameter Type Position # Description
TokenID string Header Required Enter Genrated TokenId Credentials
ApiUserID string Header Required Enter given USERID Credentials
ApiPassword string Header Required Enter given PASSWORD Credentials
vehicleNumber string Body Required Enter vehicleNumber
ApiMode string Body Optional 0 for Test API/1 for Prodution

Response : 200

    "Errorcode": 200,
    "status": "Success",
    "msg": "Success",
    "response": {
        "license_plate": null,
        "owner_name": null,
        "father_name": null,
        "is_financed": null,
        "financer": null,
        "present_address": null,
        "permanent_address": null,
        "insurance_company": null,
        "insurance_policy": null,
        "insurance_expiry": null,
        "classs": null,
        "registration_date": null,
        "vehicle_age": null,
        "pucc_upto": null,
        "pucc_number": null,
        "chassis_number": null,
        "engine_number": null,
        "fuel_type": null,
        "brand_name": null,
        "brand_model": null,
        "cubic_capacity": null,
        "gross_weight": null,
        "cylinders": null,
        "color": null,
        "norms": null,
        "noc_details": null,
        "seating_capacity": null,
        "owner_count": null,
        "tax_upto": null,
        "tax_paid_upto": null,
        "permit_number": null,
        "national_permit_number": null,
        "national_permit_upto": null,
        "national_permit_issued_by": null,
        "rc_status": null

Response : 404

    "Errorcode": 104,
    "status": "Failed",
    "msg": "Invalid Vehicle Number format",
    "response": {
        "license_plate": null,
        "owner_name": null,
        "father_name": null,
        "is_financed": null,
        "financer": null,
        "present_address": null,
        "permanent_address": null,
        "insurance_company": null,
        "insurance_policy": null,
        "insurance_expiry": null,
        "classs": null,
        "registration_date": null,
        "vehicle_age": null,
        "pucc_upto": null,
        "pucc_number": null,
        "chassis_number": null,
        "engine_number": null,
        "fuel_type": null,
        "brand_name": null,
        "brand_model": null,
        "cubic_capacity": null,
        "gross_weight": null,
        "cylinders": null,
        "color": null,
        "norms": null,
        "noc_details": null,
        "seating_capacity": null,
        "owner_count": null,
        "tax_upto": null,
        "tax_paid_upto": null,
        "permit_number": null,
        "national_permit_number": null,
        "national_permit_upto": null,
        "national_permit_issued_by": null,
        "rc_status": null

Voter ID Verification API


Our Voter ID verification API enables you to onboard individuals by using their Voter ID and thus verifying their entered details.

Name: Voter ID Verification API

Type: POST

Request: https://planapi.in/Api/Ekyc/VoterIdVerification

Parameter Type Position # Description
TokenID string Header Required Enter Genrated TokenId Credentials
ApiUserID string Header Required Enter given USERID Credentials
ApiPassword string Header Required Enter given PASSWORD Credentials
VoterId string Body Required Enter 15 Digit VoterId Number
ApiMode string Body Optional 0 for Test API/1 for Prodution

Response : 200

    "Errorcode": 100,
    "status": "Success",
    "msg": "done",
    "response": {
        "message": "Success",
        "epic_no": "07AAECR2971C1Z",
        "dob": "01-11-1990",
        "holder_name": "DUMMY NAME",
        "relation": "XXXX XXXX",
        "relation_type": "FATHER",
        "age": "",
        "gender": "M",
        "area": "New Delhi",
        "district": "New Delhi"

Response : 404

    "Errorcode": 102,
    "status": "Failed",
    "msg": "done",
    "response": {
        "message": "",
        "epic_no": "",
        "dob": "",
        "holder_name": "",
        "relation": "",
        "relation_type": "",
        "age": "",
        "gender": "",
        "area": "",
        "district": ""

Voter ID 2 Verification API


Our Voter ID verification API enables you to onboard individuals by using their Voter ID and thus verifying their entered details.

Name: Voter ID 2 Verification API

Type: POST

Request: https://planapi.in/Api/Ekyc/VoterIdVerification2

Parameter Type Position # Description
TokenID string Header Required Enter Genrated TokenId Credentials
ApiUserID string Header Required Enter given USERID Credentials
ApiPassword string Header Required Enter given PASSWORD Credentials
EPICNUMBER string Body Required Voter ID Number
StateId string Body Optional below show Statelist

State List

StateName StateCode
Andaman & Nicobar Islands U01
Andhra Pradesh S01
Arunachal Pradesh S02
Assam S03
Bihar S04
Chandigarh U02
Chattisgarh S26
Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu U03
Goa S05
Gujarat S06
Haryana S07
Himachal Pradesh S08
Jammu and Kashmir U08
Jharkhand S27
Karnataka S10
Kerala S11
Ladakh U09
Lakshadweep U06
Madhya Pradesh S12
Maharashtra S13
Manipur S14
Meghalaya S15
Mizoram S16
Nagaland S17
NCT OF Delhi U05
Odisha S18
Puducherry U07
Punjab S19
Rajasthan S20
Sikkim S21
Tamil Nadu S22
Telangana S29
Tripura S23
Uttar Pradesh S24
Uttarakhand S28
West Bengal S25

Response : 200

    "Errorcode": 100,
    "status": "Success",
    "msg": "done",
    "response": {
        "message": null,
        "epicId": "**",
        "epicNumber": "XXXXXXXX",
        "applicantFirstName": "** ",
        "applicantFirstNameL1": "**",
        "applicantFirstNameL2": null,
        "applicantLastName": null,
        "applicantLastNameL1": null,
        "applicantLastNameL2": null,
        "relationName": "**",
        "relationNameL1": "**",
        "relationNameL2": null,
        "age": "25",
        "gender": "F",
        "partNumber": "63",
        "partId": "46358",
        "partName": "**",
        "partNameL1": "**",
        "partSerialNumber": "389",
        "asmblyName": "**",,
        "asmblyNameL1": "**",
        "acId": "22",
        "acNumber": "24",
        "prlmntName": "**",
        "prlmntNameL1": "**",
        "prlmntNo": "3",
        "districtValue": "**",
        "districtValueL1": "**",
        "stateName": "**",
        "stateNameL1": "**",
        "isActive": "**",
        "psbuildingName": "**",
        "birthYear": "**",
        "fullName": "**",
        "fullNameL1": "**",
        "relativeFullName": "**",
        "relativeFullNameL1": "**"

Response : 404

    "Errorcode": 102,
    "status": "Failed",
    "msg": "done",
    "response": {
        "message": null,
        "epicId": "**",
        "epicNumber": "XXXXXXXX",
        "applicantFirstName": "** ",
        "applicantFirstNameL1": "**",
        "applicantFirstNameL2": null,
        "applicantLastName": null,
        "applicantLastNameL1": null,
        "applicantLastNameL2": null,
        "relationName": "**",
        "relationNameL1": "**",
        "relationNameL2": null,
        "age": "25",
        "gender": "F",
        "partNumber": "63",
        "partId": "46358",
        "partName": "**",
        "partNameL1": "**",
        "partSerialNumber": "389",
        "asmblyName": "**",,
        "asmblyNameL1": "**",
        "acId": "22",
        "acNumber": "24",
        "prlmntName": "**",
        "prlmntNameL1": "**",
        "prlmntNo": "3",
        "districtValue": "**",
        "districtValueL1": "**",
        "stateName": "**",
        "stateNameL1": "**",
        "isActive": "**",
        "psbuildingName": "**",
        "birthYear": "**",
        "fullName": "**",
        "fullNameL1": "**",
        "relativeFullName": "**",
        "relativeFullNameL1": "**"

Passport Verification API


Passport verification API is formulated to confirm the identity of an individual by verifying his/her personal details mentioned on the passport.

Name: Voter ID Verification API

Type: POST

Request: https://planapi.in/Api/Ekyc/PassportVerification

Parameter Type Position # Description
TokenID string Header Required Enter Genrated TokenId Credentials
ApiUserID string Header Required Enter given USERID Credentials
ApiPassword string Header Required Enter given PASSWORD Credentials
File_No string Body Required Enter File_No
DateofBirth string Body Required Enter DateofBirth 01-12-2000
ApiMode string Body Optional 0 for Test API/1 for Prodution

Response : 200

    "Errorcode": 100,
    "status": "Success",
    "msg": "done",
    "response": {
        "holder_name": "DUMMY NAME",
        "dob": "01-11-2000",
        "passport_number": "111111",
        "application_date": "01-11-2000",
        "file_number": "07AAECR29"

Response : 404

    "Errorcode": 104,
    "status": "Failed",
    "msg": "",
    "response": {
        "holder_name": "",
        "dob": "01-11-2000",
        "passport_number": "",
        "application_date": "",
        "file_number": ""

Driving License Verification API


Driving License Verification API instantly verifies the information of a customer’s driving licence by cross-checking them from the Government database.

Name: Driving License Verification API

Type: POST

Request: https://planapi.in/Api/Ekyc/DLVerification

Parameter Type Position # Description
TokenID string Header Required Enter Genrated TokenId Credentials
ApiUserID string Header Required Enter given USERID Credentials
ApiPassword string Header Required Enter given PASSWORD Credentials
DLNumber string Body Required Enter DLNumber Number
DateofBirth string Body Required Enter DateofBirth 01-12-2000
ApiMode string Body Optional 0 for Test API/1 for Prodution

Response : 200

    "Errorcode": 100,
    "status": "Success",
    "msg": "done",
    "response": {
        "isValid": null,
        "license_number": "rj1420190029569",
        "dob": "01-12-2000",
        "holder_name": "DUMMY NAME",
        "father_or_husband_name": "DUMMY",
        "gender": "MALE",
        "permanent_address": null,
        "permanent_zip": null,
        "temporary_address": null,
        "temporary_zip": null,
        "issue_date": "01-01-1990",
        "rto_code": "rj14",
        "rto": "JAIPUR",
        "state": "RAJASTHAN",
        "valid_from": "01-01-1990",
        "valid_upto": "01-01-1990",
        "blood_group": "",
        "vehicle_class": "LMV",
        "image": null

Response : 404

    "Errorcode": 104,
    "status": "Failed",
    "msg": "",
    "response": {
        "isValid": null,
        "license_number": "",
        "dob": "",
        "holder_name": "",
        "father_or_husband_name": "",
        "gender": "",
        "permanent_address": null,
        "permanent_zip": null,
        "temporary_address": null,
        "temporary_zip": null,
        "issue_date": "",
        "rto_code": "",
        "rto": "",
        "state": "",
        "valid_from": "",
        "valid_upto": "",
        "blood_group": "",
        "vehicle_class": "",
        "image": null

MCA Company Search API


This API provides the user with all information related to any company based on the Company Name.

Name: MCA Company API

Type: POST

Request: https://planapi.in/Api/Ekyc/MCACompanySearch

Parameter Type Position # Description
TokenID string Header Required Enter Genrated TokenId Credentials
ApiUserID string Header Required Enter given USERID Credentials
ApiPassword string Header Required Enter given PASSWORD Credentials
Company_Name string Body Required Enter Company_Name Test Company
ApiMode string Body Optional 0 for Test API/1 for Prodution

Response : 200

    "Errorcode": 100,
    "status": "Success",
    "msg": "done",
    "response": {
        "cin": "U12345MHXXXXPTCXXXXXX",
        "company_name": "DUMMY NAME PRIVATE LIMITED"

Response : 404

    "Errorcode": 104,
    "status": "Failed",
    "msg": "Error Message",
    "response": {
        "cin": "",
        "company_name": ""



The MCA CIN Search API takes in the Corporate Identification Number (CIN) to identify and retrieve information about the searched company.

Name: MCA Company API

Type: POST

Request: https://planapi.in/Api/Ekyc/MCACinSearch

Parameter Type Position # Description
TokenID string Header Required Enter Genrated TokenId Credentials
ApiUserID string Header Required Enter given USERID Credentials
ApiPassword string Header Required Enter given PASSWORD Credentials
CIN string Body Required Enter CIN
ApiMode string Body Optional 0 for Test API/1 for Prodution

Response : 200

    "Errorcode": 100,
    "status": "Success",
    "msg": "done",
    "response": {
        "cin": null,
        "company_name": null,
        "roc_code": null,
        "registration_no": null,
        "company_category": null,
        "company_subcategory": null,
        "Aclass": null,
        "authorized_capital": null,
        "paidup_capital": null,
        "incorporation_date": null,
        "registered_address": null,
        "email_address": null,
        "listing_status": null,
        "last_agm_date": null,
        "last_balance_sheet_date": null,
        "company_status": null,
        "charges": null,
        "Directors": []

Response : 404

    "Errorcode": 104,
    "status": "Failed",
    "msg": "Invalid CIN",
    "response": {
        "cin": null,
        "company_name": null,
        "roc_code": null,
        "registration_no": null,
        "company_category": null,
        "company_subcategory": null,
        "Aclass": null,
        "authorized_capital": null,
        "paidup_capital": null,
        "incorporation_date": null,
        "registered_address": null,
        "email_address": null,
        "listing_status": null,
        "last_agm_date": null,
        "last_balance_sheet_date": null,
        "company_status": null,
        "charges": null,
        "Directors": []